The cloud will explode in 2020, and financial services will be at the forefront of this surge. In comparison to insurance and healthcare, financial services have seen the biggest growth in cloud computing adoption “beyond basic cloud maturity.” 

LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud Study reports that 83 percent of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020. In 2020, People’s Choice Credit Union aims to be fully-digital

Gone are the days when credit unions had to worry about data storage sizing. The advent of cloud computing means that capacity is no longer a problem. 

But how can you ensure that cloud computing will be successfully incorporated into your business? How will you ensure that your members’ data will be safe?

Cybersecurity and the cloud

Cybersecurity developments in the cloud have been prepared for the potential of attackers. 

It’s understandable to be wary about the switch to cloud services when financial industries like credit unions often see data breaches. However, many misconceptions about the cloud are cause for delay in using it. In fact, research has demonstrated that cloud systems provide more security than traditional IT systems.

Benefits of cloud computing backup 

If your IT staff is fielding security breaches and abandoning other important tasks, the switch to cloud computing can help to prevent those intrusions and liberate your staff to focus on other efforts of value, such as member-focused solutions. 

Continually monitored, updated, and audited, layers of protection with the cloud system help sensitive information to stay safe. Security is a full-time gig, and your IT team won’t be able to focus on efforts of greater value if they are continually faced with issues related to cybersecurity. 

Disk-to-Disk solutions, for example, can be an effective measure in data organization and potential recovery. Agile and scalable, cloud computing can help to open up new markets as well.

Adapting to the cloud computing system

Don’t assume that the switch to cloud computing alone is safety measure enough. Proper implementation of the cloud and assistance along the way can ensure that your layers of protection are secure. 

We can help with transitioning your team to this type of system, and your employees will be able to shift their focus to efforts that improve the member experience. 

For companies that work with a large amount of sensitive information on a daily basis, cybersecurity will always be one of the biggest concerns. When you’re looking to implement a system to bolster your cybersecurity efforts, it should be a complex, multilayered approach. We can help to guide you throughout this process and ensure that you’re taking the correct steps.