New leaders learn from experience, education, and the leaders who came before them. And as credit unions grow and change to keep up with the demands of members all over the country, we thought we would take a break from focusing on the future to look back on the lessons that credit union leaders have learned.

Experience + Tech = Success

In a piece titled “Shaping the Future of Our Movement,” Jim Nussle (president and CEO of Credit Union National Association) shared some of the leadership insights he’s gathered over his many years working in the credit union industry.

Credit unions are often seen as “old-school” in the way they do business. But it’s that tried and true, exceptional member experience that sets credit unions above big bans, especially for younger members.

Speaking on this, Nussle said, “I’m far from cutting edge when it comes to technology, but our next generation of leaders was born into a mobile-enabled world, coming of age as the smartphone transformed our lives. It’s that digital-savvy which will lead our businesses and our movement into the future.”

Diversity and the Pursuit of Financial Wellbeing for All

Nussle also talked about the need for future credit union leaders to set their sights on achieving “financial wellbeing for all.”

Creating more options for financial wellbeing – including resources, products and services, and other highly inclusive solutions will not only grow your member base, but will also positively impact your members’ futures and your community as a whole.

Nussle encourages future credit union leaders to ask themselves, “How will I take a leadership role in helping the credit union movement promote financial wellbeing for all?” as a starting point for fostering innovative and diverse credit union solutions for members.

Insights from ‘Ask the Old Guy’

CUNA has recently started a blog series called “Ask the Old Guy” and we are loving it. This series is written in a style reminiscent of newspaper advice columns. The first featured expert is James Collins, president and CEO of O Bee Credit Union.

Much of the advice offered is more a primer for current and future credit union leaders to help them think critically about some of the issues and processes that lie ahead. Many of the answers also have a touch of humor, but the general best practices outlined in the article include fresh takes on coworker and member relationship building or problem-solving.

Our favorite nugget of wisdom from “Ask the Old Guy”? Here it is:

“Leadership is the ability to convince others to wholeheartedly follow you on the path to a common goal. It is not an ability that is bestowed, learned, or practiced. Rather, it requires you to have the trust of those around you.”

20 Years & 20 Lessons

CUInsight featured an article by Jayni Sech, who is celebrating 20 years as a business professional and she shared 20 lessons she’s learned along the way, from professional tips to life lessons.

Though all 20 of her insights were great, it was this thought that spoke volumes: “As I look back on the last 20 years, one of the biggest lessons I learned was to learn the lesson.”

Keep learning, keep growing, and keep leading. The journey will be a great one.

CU Leaders Need Great Digital Solutions

Being a leader means helping shape your credit union so that it will continue to thrive for years into the future. IMS has a range of services – like cloud backups, core hosting, IaaS, and disaster recovery – to help you make the most of your credit union, today and always.

Contact us for more information.