For some CU executives, cybersecurity is a topic that causes them to lose sleep at night.

With 2020 looming ever closer on the horizon, it’s important to be aware and prepare for the inevitability of cyber attacks on financial institutions. Cyberattacks are becoming more powerful, intricate, and in even more instances, automated. Financial institutions must now prioritize cybersecurity.

Most credit unions don’t have the strongest security systems, nor do their employees have the adequate skills and training to assess threats properly. The anxiety of CU executives largely stems from the need to catch up with these threats and adapt systems that anticipate the sophistication of these attacks and the signs that they could be experiencing a threat.

Making the switch to cloud computing 

Misconceptions about cloud computing can prevent some CU leaders from making the switch when they should. However, private cloud backup and hosting can significantly improve the nature of your disaster recovery system. By backing up your data to the cloud, you’ll be giving yourself a safety net should a data disaster strike.

Benefits of Backup:

  • With centralized configuration, you won’t be storing unnecessary data. You can specify what data needs to be backed up, rather than chipping away at your valuable investment. You’ll only secure your data the way you prefer.
  • With IMS, we leverage Disk-to-Disk solutions which help you to organize your data and easily recover it. 
  • IT Departments can free up their time to focus on more member-facing solutions, rather than maintaining a server at a physical location. 

Many believe that their cloud security is safer than it actually is. 

Once upon a time, credit unions stored their data in remote facilities. With one physical location, the risk was much more significant. Now, data is largely safe from many potential risks. However, cybersecurity threats remain one of the hottest topics concerning financial institutions, and active security management must meet the gravity of these risks.

When cloud security is properly implemented, there are many benefits to this type of system. When cloud security sees human error in configuration, this means there are gaps in the system that need to be adjusted.

If you’re running with a lean IT staff, it could be beneficial to add layers of protection to your system. Secure cloud computing measures free up IT resources to focus on providing more member value. 

Still, cybersecurity is a complex, layered system, and requires significant time and effort. Let us help guide you along the way.