credit union technologyEvery time a member completes a simple transaction, chances are they won’t be thinking about all the integrations your credit union implemented for it to happen. Members aren’t thinking about how the core is integrated with applications whenever they check their account balance. They just expect their account data to be there, and for your app to work as it should. It is now your credit union’s responsibility to anticipate members’ needs and provide the specific tech solution they demand.

But how can your credit union provide these solutions if there is little awareness of available technologies?

Technology advances every single day. Staying updated on the latest available innovations not only gives your credit union a competitive edge, but it also helps you provide a wider range of member services.

Here are 3 quick and practical ways your credit union can keep up with the latest technology:

Opt In To Tech Marketing Communications

Third party technology providers usually send out marketing emails that you can subscribe to. While not every email may offer the insight or breakthrough that you’re looking for, keeping tabs on what’s new will help you stay up to date on credit union technology. Your core system provider might be offering services you could use to your advantage but you didn’t know that they were available to you and your members. It’s rare that you discover innovations if you aren’t looking for them!

Attend Industry Webinars

Tech partners often announce and hold webinars. These are low-risk and high-reward ways to educate clients and partners. Sessions typically last 30 minutes to an hour. Providers often discuss new and emerging innovations, or more effective ways to use current systems. If one of your primary goals is to optimize credit union operations, it’s crucial that you learn to use core technology to its fullest potential.

ELearning Programs And Other Online Resources

As of this writing, there are multiple credit union associations that offer helpful eLearning programs, as well as online resources provided by technology partners. These learning centers develop and share industry training and professional development to help partners improve in several areas, including operations, compliance, research, marketing and strategy.

By regularly exploring these resources, your credit union will have a better idea on which areas of knowledge you should invest more time in.

Continuous education is a critical part of being an excellent financial institution, although leadership often underestimates it. It’s easy to fall behind when it comes to tech and service offerings since they constantly improve and change. If you embrace the wealth of resources that credit union technology partners offer, you’re well on your way to staying on top of industry technology and core solutions.