Not only do first impressions last, but they also significantly affect whether a member will recommend your credit union to their network of friends and family members.
One of your primary goals when welcoming new members into your credit union should be to make an amazing first impression. Customers should feel confident that their Member Service Representative is someone they can trust to help them reach their financial goals. Studies have shown that confidence and trustworthiness make up 80 to 90 percent of first impressions. Optimizing your systems and resources to support your MSRs’ work, as well as refining their presentation and appearance, will help convey these traits even before the actual meeting and opening of credit union new accounts takes place.
Managing Your MSRs’ Image
Making an effective first impression doesn’t require high-end clothing or spending beyond your (or your MSRs’) means. Ensuring that their clothing is pressed, clean and work-appropriate should be the standard. If staff have an unruly appearance or look like they would rather be anywhere else but at work, members can strongly sense this and feel that they are not welcome. Something as seemingly simple as a confused expression or a smirk on an MSR’s face can detract from their trustworthiness. If there is something that negatively affects one’s presence or outward appearance, this can reduce the amount of confidence a member has when opening a new credit union account.
The Value Of Confidence
While appearance is important, it is not the sole source of self-confidence. Other factors also contribute to it, such as having sufficient knowledge and understanding of the products and services your credit union offers. An impeccably dressed staff member may give a great first impression, but this can quickly be reduced if he or she isn’t familiar with industry terminology or addressing the usual member needs.
Support MSRs With Training, Tools & Other Resources
Setting up your staff for success requires the right training and education. Credit union leadership should make sure that they are providing staff with the proper resources and tools they need to present services appropriately and respond to member inquiries. MSRs who handle account opening processes should be highly trained on the systems being used to establish new members.
Regardless of your training approach, it is important that your staff are confident in their abilities to use the systems required to connect with new members.
Implement Technology That Works For Your Credit Union Staff
Observe how long it takes for your employees to navigate your existing core processing system just to perform regular, daily functions. If it seems to take longer than usual, you would be correct to assume that it affects the confidence and trust that your members have in your credit union.
Too many non-integrated processes or inefficient and complicated user interfaces significantly slow down new account creation. The resources you spend on credit union technology should be placed on areas that experience that most traffic or use.
Inefficient credit union data processing systems slow down new accounts platforms, no matter how new or powerful the latter is. The efficiency of your credit union core is at the center of your institution’s operational success, and it will help you give your employees the confidence they need to make a fantastic first impression.
Aside from optimizing your in-branch processes, make sure your online account opening process is user-friendly, secure and highly personalized to your brand. It is extremely important to use online account opening solutions that can be easily implemented or integrated into existing processes. A streamlined user experience, like the online account opening solution we currently offer for all credit unions, should be one of your top priorities.
If you feel like your new accounts creation process is inefficient, consider the root cause of it all. Let’s talk about improving the efficiency of your new accounts process here: