Increasing the productivity of your Member Service Representatives is crucial if your credit union is aiming for significant growth. Not only are your employees the face of your financial institution, they are also the foundation that ensures your front-end operations are always running smoothly. Take a look at ways you can make your MSR’s more productive without overburdening them with too many responsibilities:
Promote a work environment that is non-toxic and rewarding
Every credit union wants MSR’s to treat members with exceptional patience, empathy and friendliness. Staff should also readily inform members of additional services that can upgrade their current relationship with your credit union. To create this customer-oriented experience, it’s imperative that MSR’s are also treated with the same respect and provided with relevant development opportunities. When work is enjoyable, MSR’s will also enjoy serving and attending to member concerns.
Be clear with your expectations
From the start, limit your expectations to MSR’s job descriptions. They are often the face of your institution and need comprehensive understanding of your products and services, as well as the exceptional personality to match. Though staff often take on multiple responsibilities, please don’t expect them to do tasks beyond their job functions. This can lead to resentment and an overwhelming feeling of being overworked.
Ensure they have the necessary training and tools
Credit union technology is constantly evolving and adopting new innovations is important to keep up with the industry. Not only is it necessary to always update software, but we also have to stay updated on the needed knowledge of how to run it. Staff should be trained and comfortable with the technology you’re currently using. If they need help, they should also know where to go for assistance. Many vendors and tech partners offer comprehensive customer support and documentation where MSRs can learn the ropes.
Establish SMART goals
Once staff know your expectations, you should always give them a way to measure their progress against your expectations. It’s not enough to tell them they’re doing well. They should know which actions contribute to their progress, how what they do affects their performance, and what they’re measured on. Set SMART goals, or goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. If they meet these goals, don’t forget to show recognition! Staff who feel appreciated for their efforts will more often than not strive to work even harder.
Allow them to take actual breaks
The truth is that most of the time, taking a break from work can lead to more productive days. This is especially true for jobs that are customer-facing, like that of your MSR’s. Aside from scheduled breaks, don’t forget to encourage them to take vacation days off.
One of the strongest advantages of credit unions is the personalized attention that members rarely get from bigger financial institutions. When you support your staff and give them the tools they need to increase their productivity, your team, your members and your business will be better for it.